Program List

The number of (the)data : 1
  • Art
  • Art

Fantastic Fireworks - Traditional Katakai Festival - (Japanese Title : 片貝まつり ~想いが夜空を彩る奉納煙火~) 

The Katakai Festival has about 400years of history from the Edo era. This festival is famous for its 15000 fireworks and 4 shaku-dama, the world largest firework which recorded in the Guiness Book.

The fireworks are an integral part of the local culture, and the festival has a tremendous amount of meaning to the local people. The people make votive offerings of fireworks at the Shinto Shrine “Asahara Jinja”. They make offerings in celebrating occations such as their 10th wedding anniversary, Kanreki (60th birthday).

The Katakai Festival has its roots tracing back to Edo Period. The custom entwined with the lives of the people has continued to this day, and keep going on and on.